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Use groups – communicating effectively with all parties

A series of posts on communication and emergency management in the construction sector: part 3

Beep has the power to create groups, a must have for a SMS platform for the construction sector.

Use Beep to set up groups and users authorised to communicate with each group. For example, your Operations & Health & Safety Managers can send a text alert to all, whilst your Supervisors can only send text messages to their crews.

You can import contact information from your staff database into Beep and then set up your groups. Staff can be in more than one group. This enables you to streamline your communications so that people only receive relevant SMS messages and are not overloaded, just the same as with an email client.

Managing your groups

Your staff

There are a number of possible groupings for staff in a construction company:

  • By role: managers, your Health & Safety team, administrators, crews, or trades.

  • By location: individual offices and sites. On larger sites you may have more than one group across your site so set up a ‘whole site’ group and then smaller groups for crews working on different structures or in different areas.

  • By project: you may have a multi-site project such as a new expressway.


Local residents: perhaps, sometimes in quite large numbers, members of the public may have a stake in the construction project. For example, local residents impacted by road closures, materials deliveries, noise, or water shutdowns.

Interest groups: local iwi, environmental groups, or if you are working on a community sports facility a myriad of local sports groups might like to receive updates. These individuals can easily be set up in a stakeholder group to receive text alerts, making stakeholder engagement easy and effective.


Some of the messaging around Health & Safety, Events and Updates is just as relevant to your subcontractors as your own staff. And don’t forget to include them in the Contests and Encouragement to make them feel part of the project team!

Visitors to site

Visitors to site who sign in can provide their mobile phone number and easily be added to the Beep database temporarily or for the duration of the project if they are regular visitors such as inspectors. This will ensure that they too receive any emergency text alerts.

Talk to our team to discover what Beep can do for you.


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